
What people have to say….

We respect privacy and know that your discernment can perceive that these are heart felt confidences and know if they resonate with you.

“Extremely High Vibration Medicine for this time of deep and profound transformation of all beings on planet earth... It has literally been a life saver for me during a time of deep and challenging personal transformation. It has been a precision midwifing energy for me, as I'm birthing a light within, an authentic power I feel as if I've worked lifetimes to embody - right now, at this time, at this place on this magnificent planet”.

J.K. Oregon

“Carrie Ann is amazing. Her use of Esoteric Acupuncture is sophisticated energy healing. Deep changes occur in many layers at once: Physical, emotional and spiritual”.

J.F. California

“Wow! Thank you Carrie Ann for a wonderful healing treatment. Your esoteric acupuncture sessions are so helpful for me in more ways than I can list. Even though each month is different, I always FEEL the energy, and the results.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

J.A. Texas

PS ……..You may use the words above as a testimony if you wish.

“Carrie Ann is a highly skilled practitioner in so many realms, she is also a dear dear friend. As I've watched her journey of transformation unfold by following her heart and her guidance, I've experienced her classes and workshops as safe, loving and grounded containers for healing, transformation, expansion, exploration and fun. I experience an energy of deep integrity, love and caring as the very fabric of what Carrie Ann offers”.

J.K. Washington State